Monday, February 1, 2010

Tom Brokaw and Frank Sinatra

Paul: Brians roommate
Tom Brokah: A pug
(Brian is sitting in a messy apartment. He is playing with Tom Brokaw. Paul enters)

Paul: What’s that?
Brian: It’s my new dog. Paul meet Tom Brokaw, Paul Brokaw meet my roommate Paul.
Paul: you named your dog Tom Brokaw?
Brian: I name all my pets after news men I have ever since my first cat, Edward R. Murrow. She was a good cat.
Paul: We aren’t allowed to have dogs
Brian: No it’s all right, I asked the super he said it’s cool as long as no one complains.
Paul: You should have told me you were going to get a dog. We have to get rid of it.
Brian: Why do we have to get rid of it. I can take care of him I’ve had dogs before.
Paul: Because we can’t keep a dog. It will….. Take shits.
Brian: It will shit outside.
Paul: I don’t like dogs.
Brian: What do you mean you don’t like dogs?
Paul: They are nasty fithy things
Brian: How can you not like dogs? That’s like saying you don’t like Frank Sinatra. Everyone likes them.
Paul: Well I don’t like dogs and actually I don’t like Frank Sinartra that much ether
Brian: What is wrong with you?
Paul: Look, we have been friends for years, and you are one of the best roommates I have ever had. You are an awesome guy and I want to live with you. Hell, you bought my mother a gift on her birthday. Who is that nice? So don’t take it lightly when I say: Ether the dog goes or I do.
Brian: How can you not like Frank Sinatra?
Paul: Answer the question!
Brian: you really don’t like Frank Sinatra
Paul: I think he is boring
Brian: you can move out tomorrow

About Me

1) They have to be at least one minute in length 2) Monologues count 3) Posting pre-written material counts, as long as I’ve edited it that day 4) Critiques of theatre I’ve seen counts 5) Sketches of costumes and sets count 6) It doesn’t have to be good, but 7) I have to try